
Z Wikipedii, wolnej encyklopedii

Uwaga: aby zobaczyć zmiany po opublikowaniu, może zajść potrzeba wyczyszczenia pamięci podręcznej przeglądarki.

  • Firefox / Safari: Przytrzymaj Shift podczas klikania Odśwież bieżącą stronę, lub naciśnij klawisze Ctrl+F5, lub Ctrl+R (⌘-R na komputerze Mac)
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	@file Odpowiedzi z linkami (Reply links with backtrack links)
	Opis (pl):
    Main functions:
		- adding reply links near user links
		- inserting text given in newsectionname (as PHP param in the location string of the page)
    Copyright:  ©2006-2011 Maciej Jaros (pl:User:Nux, en:User:EcceNux)
     Licencja:  GNU General Public License v2
	@note Please keep MW 1.16 compatible (i.e. do not use mw.config)
	@note jQuery is required though
	@note Dev version contains more comments see:
// EOC@line#21
if (typeof(window.oRepLinks) != 'undefined')
	throw ("oRepLinks already used");
var oRepLinks = {};
// EOC@line#30
oRepLinks.version = oRepLinks.ver = '1.6.5';
// EOC@line#36
oRepLinks.i18n = {'':''
	,'en' : {'':''
		,'std prefix'        : 'Re:'
		,'no section prefix' : 'Ad:'
		,'reply link text'   : 'reply'
	,'pl' : {'':''
		,'std prefix'        : 'Odp:'
		,'no section prefix' : 'Ad:'
		,'reply link text'   : '⇒'
oRepLinks.hrefOnlineIPwhois = '';
// EOC@line#55
 return; // temporarily disabled due to [[phab:T72470]].
$G.Lang = "en";
if (wgUserLanguage in $G.i18n)
	$G.Lang = wgUserLanguage;
$G.i18n = $G.i18n[$G.Lang];
// EOC@line#72
$G.getNamespaceNames = function(namespaceNumber, encodingFunction)
	var found = [];
	for (var id in wgNamespaceIds)
		if (wgNamespaceIds[id] == namespaceNumber)
			if (encodingFunction)
				id = encodingFunction(id);
	return found;
$G.strReHrefBase          = mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgArticlePath').replace('$1',  '(?:' + $G.getNamespaceNames(2, encodeURIComponent).join('|') + ')') + ':';
$G.strReHrefNewBase       = mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScript') + '\\?title=' + '(?:' + $G.getNamespaceNames(2, encodeURIComponent).join('|') + ')' + ':';
$G.strReHrefAnonimBase    = mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgArticlePath').replace('$1', encodeURIComponent(wgFormattedNamespaces[-1])) + ':(?:Contributions|Wk%C5%82ad)/';
$G.strBaseUserTalkURL     = mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgArticlePath').replace('$1', encodeURIComponent(wgFormattedNamespaces[3])) + ':';
// EOC@line#107
$G.oBotToOwner = {'':''
// EOC@line#156
$G.autoNewSectionName = function()
	var elInput = document.getElementById('wpTextbox1');
	if (elInput)
		var reParam = new RegExp ("&newsectionname=([^&]*)", "i");
		var matches = reParam.exec(;
		var sectxt;
		if (matches)
			sectxt = decodeURIComponent(matches[1]);
			elInput.value += ';'+sectxt+'\n\n';
		elInput = document.getElementById('wpSummary');
		if (elInput)
			matches = /[ ](.*)\]/.exec(sectxt);
			if (matches)
				elInput.value += decodeURIComponent(matches[1]);
// EOC@line#195
$G.addReplyLinks = function()
	// if (!document.getElementById('t-permalink') && !document.getElementById('t-ispermalink') )
	if (wgCurRevisionId==0)
	var hrefPermalink;
	if (document.location.href.indexOf('&oldid=')!=-1)
		hrefPermalink = document.location.href.replace(/#.+$/,'');
		hrefPermalink = '{{fullurl:' + wgPageName + '|oldid=' + wgCurRevisionId + '}}';
	var reHref = new RegExp ($G.strReHrefBase + "([^/]*)$", "i");
	var reHrefNew = new RegExp ($G.strReHrefNewBase + "([^/?&]*)", "i");
	var reHrefAnonim = new RegExp ($G.strReHrefAnonimBase + "([\\.0-9]*)$");
	var content = document.getElementById('content');
	if (!content)
		content = document.getElementById('mw_content');
		if (!content)
	var bodyContent_id = 'bodyContent';
	var bodyContent = document.getElementById(bodyContent_id);
	if (!bodyContent)
		bodyContent = document.getElementById('mw_contentholder');
	var secAbove = {
		'id' : bodyContent_id,
		'text' : $G.parseSectionText(wgPageName)
	var secReplyText = $G.i18n['no section prefix'];
	var a = $G.getElementsByTagNames ('A,SPAN', bodyContent);
	for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
		if (a[i].nodeName.toLowerCase()=='a' && a[i].href != '' && a[i].getAttribute('href').indexOf('#')==-1)
			var anonimous = false;
			var matches = (a[i].className.indexOf('new')>=0) ? reHrefNew.exec(a[i].href) : reHref.exec(a[i].href);
			if (!matches)
				matches = reHrefAnonim.exec(a[i].href);
				anonimous = true;
			else if ($G.oBotToOwner[matches[1]] != undefined)
				matches[1] = $G.oBotToOwner[matches[1]];
			if (matches)
				var hrefReply = $G.strBaseUserTalkURL + matches[1] + '?action=edit&section=new';
				var newSectionName = '['+hrefPermalink+'#'' '+secReplyText+secAbove.text+']';
				hrefReply += '&newsectionname=' + encodeURIComponent(newSectionName);
				var newEl = document.createElement('small');
				var newA = document.createElement('a');
				newA.setAttribute('href', hrefReply);
				newA.setAttribute('title', $G.i18n['std prefix']+secAbove.text);
				newA.appendChild(document.createTextNode('['+$G.i18n['reply link text']+']'));
				if (anonimous)
					newA = document.createElement('a');
					newA.setAttribute('href', $G.hrefOnlineIPwhois+matches[1]);
					newA.setAttribute('title', 'IP whois');
		if (a[i].nodeName.toLowerCase()=='a' && wgNamespaceNumber != 6 && a[i].id != '' && a[i].parentNode.nodeName=='P')
			var header = a[i].parentNode;
			var found;
			for (found=3; found; found--)
				header = header.nextSibling;
				if (header!=null && header.nodeType==document.ELEMENT_NODE &&[0-9]/i)==0)
			if (found)
			{ = a[i].id;
				secAbove.text = $G.parseSectionText(header.innerHTML);
				// should be set only once (as it is always the same), but let's leave it that way
				secReplyText = $G.i18n['std prefix'];
				//header.innerHTML = '[''@'+found+']&rarr;'+secAbove.text;
		if (a[i].className=='mw-headline')
		{ = a[i].id;
			secAbove.text = $G.parseSectionText(a[i].innerHTML);
			// should be set only once (as it is always the same), but let's leave it that way
			secReplyText = $G.i18n['std prefix'];
			//header.innerHTML = '[''@'+found+']&rarr;'+secAbove.text;
		if (^[0-9.]+ /) > -1)
			var isNumbered = true;
			if (^[0-9.]+_/) > -1)
				if (secAbove.text.replace(/^([0-9. ]+) .*/, '$1').length ==^([0-9._]+)_.*/, '$1').length)
					isNumbered = false;
			if (isNumbered)
				secAbove.text = secAbove.text.replace(/^[0-9.]+ (.*)/, '$1');
// EOC@line#371
$G.insertAfterGivenElement = function (el, newEl)
	if (el.nextSibling)
		el.parentNode.insertBefore(newEl, el.nextSibling);
// EOC@line#392
$G.parseSectionText = function (html)
	html = html.replace(/<\S[^<>]*>/g, '');
	html = html.replace(/\[[^\]]*\]/,'');
	html = html.replace(/[\{\}]/g,'');
	html =  html.replace(/[ \t]*$/,'').replace(/^[ \t]*/,'');
	return html;
// EOC@line#416
$G.getElementsByTagNames = function (list, obj)
	// for some reason sourceIndex doesn't work in Opera when NOT in debug mode (returns -1)...
	var resultArray = new Array();
	$(list, obj).each(function(){
	return resultArray;
if (wgAction=='edit' && wgCanonicalNamespace=='User_talk')
if (wgAction!='edit' && wgAction!='submit')
// EOC@line#444