Wątek na Dyskusja Wikipedii:Flow

DannyH (WMF) (dyskusjaedycje)

(Sorry for posting in English): Cześć, I'm Danny, the product manager for the Flow project. I can answer questions that people have about Flow development. I'm glad that you're trying it out, and I'd like to know what you think.

DannyH (WMF) (dyskusjaedycje)

Questions from threads below: @Marek Mazurkiewicz @WTM There are two ways to sort topics on Flow boards -- newest-created discussions at the top, or most recently active at the top. When you choose a sorting option on a Flow board, it's saved as a preference, and that's the way you'll see every Flow board. You can switch back and forth, and that preference will be saved.

DannyH (WMF) (dyskusjaedycje)

People have also asked below about indentation. On Flow, a purely chronological discussion is flat. When a group discussion happens in real time, your response is to the entire group and the entire flow of conversation, not just to the specific person who wrote something just before you did. On wikitext talk pages, that's represented as a smooth diagonal, because in wikitext, it's hard to tell the difference between one person's comment and the next, if you don't have indentation as a visual cue. Flow uses the name and links to give you that cue, so a flat Flow conversation is the same as a smooth diagonal wikitext conversation.

On Flow, indenting another level means that somebody has added a reply outside of normal chronology, specifically responding to a comment earlier in the conversation. This creates a subthread one level in. It's the equivalent of somebody not indenting all the way in wikitext.

This is the Flow feature that catches people by surprise when they first see it -- it feels really different from a wikitext conversation. It looks especially weird when you create test threads that say "A talks", "B replies to A", "C replies to A" etc., because those test threads don't have the context that makes the conversation make sense. This feature usually doesn't seem as surprising/confusing once you've participated in a couple of Flow conversations that aren't about indentation. :) That being said, I'd like to know what people think, and look at conversations where the indentation feels confusing.

Tufor (dyskusjaedycje)

can we rollback some posts? or do we need to hide them all the time?

DannyH (WMF) (dyskusjaedycje)

If the problem is an edit to an existing post, then you can undo those edits. For a whole post, then you use hide or delete. Hide keeps it visible in history and contributions, and Delete takes it out of public view completely. Right now, we don't have a one-click way to do that, but I've been thinking about making the hide/delete process easier for some user rights.

Tufor (dyskusjaedycje)

uh uh, and wikilinks in thread titles does not work

DannyH (WMF) (dyskusjaedycje)

That's going to be coming pretty soon. I'm glad you're looking for bugs, thanks!

Tufor (dyskusjaedycje)

umm.. Danny, I have the first bug: click.

I clicked on "Zmień tytuł" ("Change topic" or sth like that). Haven't changed anything, clicked "Zapisz" ("Save") and this was logged (I guess it should not be). Bug or feature?

DannyH (WMF) (dyskusjaedycje)

Thank you -- I'd seen that bug with summaries, and I didn't realize that happened in topic titles too. We'll fix that, thanks!

Tufor (dyskusjaedycje)

On Special:Contributions/newbies when a newbie make a comment using Flow, there is no nickname of who made this edit. For example, we have something like this:

2015-09-27T19:12:12 (różn. | hist.) . . (+418)‎ . . N Terytoria Sporne i Państwa nieuznawane na Pomoc:Pytania nowicjuszy (Ukryj)

Can you guys fix it? And, don't forget about things pointed out above :-)

Quiddity (WMF) (dyskusjaedycje)
Odpowiedz na „Pytania”