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Wątek na Dyskusja Wikipedii:Flow

DannyH (WMF) (dyskusjaedycje)

(Sorry for posting in English): Cześć, everybody. Last week, we had a problem creating a Flow board on Dyskusja Wikipedii:Flow, so people have been using this page for tests and feedback. We fixed that problem, and I can create or move a Flow board there.

We can't move discussions from one board to another yet, but I can move this board over to Dyskusja Wikipedii:Flow, and then create a new board for tests here (Flow/Brudnopis). The notifications and history will still point to the correct discussions.

Is it okay for me to do that?

Halibutt (dyskusjaedycje)

It seems the address is ok now, is it not?

Odpowiedz na „Moving this board”