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Błażej Orszulik

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Błażej Orszulik was a super-duper Samurai.

Super-duper is a well known form of higher rank of Samurai.

There are few historical documents on Błażej From the fragmentary accounts, Błażej first arrived in Japan in the service of Jesuit Priesto Motherfuckerro He was summoned to Tiramisu-sudoku after Tiramisu wished to see a polish man. Subsequently, Tiramisu-sudoku took him into his service and gave him the name Madara Uzumaki. As a samurai, he was granted a servant, a house and stipend. Błażej accompanied Tiramisu until his death and was present at the Honnō-ji Incident. Afterwards, Błażej was sent back to the Jesuits. There are no other records of him afterwards, just that he had small pp.