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'''Wybory generalne w [[Republika Środkowoafrykańska|Republice Środkowoafrykańskiej]] w 2015 i 2016 roku''' odbyły się 30 grudnia 2015 (I tura wyborów prezydenckich), 14 lutego 2016 (II tura wyborów prezydenckich i I tura wyborów parlamentarnych) i 31 marca 2016 (II tura wyborów parlamentarnych). Wybrany został nowy prezydent Republiki Środkowoafrykańskiej i 131 członków Zgromadzenia Narodowego. As no presidential candidate received more than 50% of the vote, and following the annulling of the results of the National Assembly elections by the Transitional Constitutional Court, a second round of the presidential elections and a re-run of the parliamentary vote took place on 14 February 2016, with run-offs on 31 March 2016.<ref>[ Centrafrique : Le corps électoral convoqué le 14 février pour le 1er tour des législatives et le second tour de la présidentielle] (in French), RJDH, 28 January 2016</ref><ref>[ New Central African president takes on a country in ruins] ENCA, 28 March 2016</ref>
{| class="wikitable sortable"

The elections were delayed several times, the original elections having been scheduled for 18 October before being postponed, whilst the second round of the presidential elections was due to be held on 31 January 2016.<ref name=Kette>Crispin Dembassa-Kette, [ "Former Central African Republic PM leads in presidential vote"], Reuters, 2 January 2016.</ref> Acting President [[Catherine Samba-Panza]] was not allowed to stand as a candidate.<ref>[ "Can Catherine Samba-Panza save the Central African Republic?"], ''The Guardian'', 2 March 2014.</ref>

Following the second round of the presidential elections, former Prime Minister [[Faustin-Archange Touadéra]] of the Union for Central African Renewal was declared the winner with 63% of the vote, defeating independent candidate [[Anicet-Georges Dologuélé]], another former Prime Minister.<ref>[ CAR presidential election: Faustin Touadera declared winner] BBC News, 20 February 2016</ref>
! class="unsortable" |Dodatkowe informacje

! class="unsortable" |Źródło
{{main|Central African Republic conflict (2012–present)|Central African Republic conflict under the Djotodia administration}}
Despite the 25 August 2012 signing of a peace agreement between the government and the [[Convention of Patriots for Justice and Peace]] (CPJP) that promised closure of the [[Central African Republic Bush War|Bush War]],<ref>[ "Le CPJP, dernier groupe rebelle actif en Centrafrique, devient un parti politique"] (in French), Radio France Internationale, 26 August 2015 {{fr icon}}.</ref> political violence continued in the eastern and central parts of the country. Then, on 10 December 2012, fighters from the [[Séléka]] rebel coalition seized the towns of [[N'Délé]], [[Sam Ouandja]] and [[Ouadda]]. Following further battlefield successes through the month, the government called for support from former coloniser France and the United States. Though the offer was spurned, other central African states and South Africa sent in troops to secure the country and its capital, [[Bangui]], from Séléka.

On 11 January 2013, a ceasefire agreement was signed in [[Libreville]], Gabon, between the government, Séléka and the political opposition. The agreement led to a dropping of the demand for [[President of the Central African Republic|President]] [[François Bozizé]]'s resignation, but required that he appoint a new [[Prime Minister of the Central African Republic|prime minister]] from the opposition.<ref name="NYT1">{{cite news|url=|title=Rebel Coalition in Central African Republic Agrees to a Short Cease-Fire|last=Sayare|first=Scott|date=11 January 2013|publisher=''The New York Times''|accessdate=12 January 2013}}</ref> The [[National Assembly of the Central African Republic]] was also dissolved within a week, with a year-long coalition government formed in its place and a new election called for within 12 months. The interim government would implement judicial reforms, amalgamate the rebel troops with government soldiers to establish a new national military, and introduce other social and economic reforms.<ref name="BBC1">{{cite news|url=|title=Central African Republic ceasefire signed|publisher=BBC|date=11 January 2013|accessdate=11 January 2013}}</ref> The government was also required to free all political prisoners imprisoned during the conflict and that foreign troops must return to their countries of origin. Séléka was not required to give up the cities they had taken or were occupying in order to ensure that the government would not renege on the agreement.<ref name="NYT1"/>

Following the ouster of Bozizé in March 2013, [[Michel Djotodia]] became president. In the ensuing months atrocities were committed by the Seleka and the newly-formed Christian [[anti-balaka]] groups. Djotodia eventually left and the Mayor of Bangui, [[Catherine Samba-Panza]], was made interim president. However, instability and sectarian violence continued in the lead up to the election.

[[Kwa Na Kwa]], the former ruling party loyal to Bozizé, announced on 10 August 2015 that Bozizé would return to the country and stand as a candidate in the October 2015 presidential election.<ref>[ "Exiled Central African leader Bozizé to stand at election"], Reuters, 10 August 2015.</ref> KNK Secretary-General [[Bertin Bea]] complained that the transitional authorities were trying to obstruct his bid, however. A few days later, Bea was arrested, purportedly for "inciting disorder" two months earlier.<ref>[ "Head of ousted Central African leader's party arrested"], Agence France-Presse, 15 August 2015.</ref>

On 8 December 2015, the Constitutional Court announced the list of approved presidential candidacies. Bozizé's candidacy was among those rejected.<ref name=Renewed>[ "Renewed unrest in C.Africa after presidential candidates announced"], Agence France-Presse, 8 December 2015.</ref><ref name=France>[ "Présidentielle en RCA: les soutiens de Bozizé accusent la France"] (in French), Radio France Internationale, 9 December 2015 {{fr icon}}.</ref> Officially, he was excluded because he was not registered on the voter list and because he had agreed not to run again as part of the peace agreement in January 2013, two months before he was ousted.<ref name=France/> Gunfire was subsequently reported in parts of Bangui, as his supporters reacted angrily to the news.<ref name=Renewed/><ref name=France/> The KNK said that Bozizé's exclusion was "the result of internal and external pressure",<ref>[ "Deposed former Central African Republic ruler Bozize barred from elections"], Reuters, 8 December 2015.</ref> with many of his supporters alleging that the French government was involved in the decision.<ref name=France/> About 30 candidates were approved to run, including three former prime ministers ([[Anicet Georges Dologuélé]], [[Martin Ziguélé]], and [[Faustin Archange Touadéra]]) and three sons of former presidents ([[Désiré Kolingba]], [[Sylvain Patassé]], and [[Jean-Serge Bokassa]]).<ref>[ "Présidentielle: 28 candidats éligibles, le dossier de Bozizé rejeté"],, 8 December 2015 {{fr icon}}.</ref>
Prior to the election, a [[Central African constitutional referendum, 2015|constitutional referendum]] was held on 13&ndash;14 December 2015. Results announced on 21 December showed that the referendum passed with 93% support. On 22 December, the official campaigning period began. Presenting himself as a candidate of peace and inclusion, Anicet Georges Dologuélé declared that he had "never held a weapon" and said that Bozizé would be able to play some unspecified role in national affairs. On the same day, the KNK announced its support for Dologuélé.<ref>[ "Campaign takes off in C. Africa as 30 vie for president"], Agence France-Presse, 22 December 2015.</ref>

On 24 December acting Prime Minister [[Mahamat Kamoun]] stated that the elections would be postponed to 30 December, to allow further preparations.<ref>{{cite web|author=Crispin Dembassa-Kette |url= |title=Central African Republic postpones key elections for three days |publisher=Reuters |date=24 December 2015 |accessdate=24 December 2015}}</ref>
Results for [[Bangui]], released on 2 January 2016, showed Faustin-Archange Touadéra placing first (30,999 votes), Anicet Georges Dologuélé placing second (28,162 votes), Désiré Kolingba placing third (25,055 votes), [[Jean-Serge Bokassa]] placing fourth (10,672 votes), and Martin Ziguélé placing fifth (9,946 votes). Although results from the rest of the country were not given at the time, overall turnout was placed at 72.2%.<ref name=Kette/> Further results released on 3 January, accounting for about 25% of all votes, showed Touadéra with about 23% of the vote (about 120,000 votes), far ahead of Dologuélé, in second place with about 68,500 votes.<ref>[ "Ex-Bozize PM takes early lead in C.Africa presidential race"], Agence France-Presse, 3 January 2016.</ref> By 6 January, results accounting for about 77% of votes showed Dologuélé in the lead with 259,211 votes, followed by Touadéra with 222,391 votes and all of the other candidates trailing far behind.<ref>Crispin Dembassa-Kette, [ "Central African Republic candidates now mostly support vote count: U.N."], Reuters, 6 January 2016.</ref>

Provisional results announced by Marie-Madeleine Nkouet, the President of the National Election Authority, on 7 January 2016 showed Dologuélé in first place with 23.78% of the vote and Touadéra in second place with 19.42% of the vote. A second round of voting between Dologuélé and Touadéra was expected.<ref>[ "No winner emerges in first round of Central African election"], Reuters, 7 January 2016.</ref> The Transitional Constitutional Court approved the final results on 25 January, putting Dologuélé in first place with 23.74% of the vote and Touadéra second with 19.05%.<ref>[ "Centrafrique: Dologuelé et Touadera au second tour de la présidentielle"], RJDH, 25 January 2016 {{fr icon}}.</ref>

The electoral commission announced on 20 February 2015 that Touadéra won the second round with 62.71% of the vote, defeating Dologuélé. Although Dologuélé alleged fraud, he nevertheless stated that "for the sake of peace" he accepted the official results, would not appeal, and "recognize[d] Faustin-Archange Touadéra as the leader of all Central Africans".<ref>Crispin Dembassa-Kette, [ "Ex-PM Touadera wins Central African Republic presidential vote"], Reuters, 20 February 2016.</ref> The Constitutional Court validated the results and formally declared Touadéra to be elected as President on 1 March.<ref>[ "Central African constitutional court confirms Touadera elected president"], Reuters, 1 March 2016.</ref>

{| class=wikitable style=text-align:right
!colspan=2|First round
!colspan=2|Second round
|7 stycznia
|[[Wybory parlamentarne w Kiribati w 2015 i 2016 roku]] (II tura)
|Zwycięstwo [[Pillars of Truth]]
|<ref>{{Cytuj|autor=Inter-Parliamentary Union|tytuł=IPU PARLINE database: KIRIBATI (Maneaba Ni Maungatabu), Last elections|data dostępu=2016-03-02||url=}}</ref><ref>{{Cytuj|autor=Inter-Parliamentary Union|tytuł=IPU PARLINE database: KIRIBATI (Maneaba Ni Maungatabu), ELECTIONS IN 2011|data dostępu=2016-03-02||url=}}</ref>
|align=left|[[Anicet-Georges Dologuélé]]||align=left|[[Union for Central African Renewal]]||268,952||23.74||413,352||37.29
|16 stycznia
|{{państwo|Republika Chińska}}
|[[Wybory parlamentarne w Republice Chińskiej w 2016 roku]]
|Zwycięstwo [[Demokratyczna Partia Postępowa|Demokratycznej Partii Postępowej]]
|<ref name=":0">{{Cytuj|tytuł=Prezydentem Tajwanu po raz pierwszy kobieta. Tsai Ing-wen musi obłaskawić Chiny|data dostępu=2016-02-13||url=}}</ref>
|align=left|[[Faustin-Archange Touadéra]]||align=left|Independent||215,800||19.05||695,059||62.71
|16 stycznia
|{{państwo|Republika Chińska}}
|[[Wybory prezydenckie w Republice Chińskiej w 2016 roku]]
|Zwycięstwo [[Tsai Ing-wen]]
|<ref name=":0" />
|align=left|[[Désiré Kolingba]]||align=left|[[Central African Democratic Rally]]||136,398||12.04||colspan=2 rowspan=28|
|22 stycznia
|[[Wybory parlamentarne w Vanuatu w 2016 roku]]
|Zwycięstwo bloku [[Jedność dla zmian]]
|<ref>{{Cytuj|tytuł=Vanuatu snap election after MPs jailed - BBC News|data dostępu=2016-02-14|opublikowany=BBC News|url=|język=en-GB}}</ref><ref>{{Cytuj|tytuł=Charlot Salwai elected Vanuatu PM|data dostępu=2016-03-06|opublikowany=Radio New Zealand|url=}}</ref><ref>{{Cytuj|tytuł=Two-thirds of Vanuatu MPs agree to try and form govt|data dostępu=2016-03-06|opublikowany=Radio New Zealand|url=}}</ref>
|align=left|[[Martin Ziguélé]]||align=left|[[Movement for the Liberation of the Central African People]]||129,474||11.43
|24 stycznia
|[[Wybory prezydenckie w Portugalii w 2016 roku]]
|Zwycięstwo [[Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa|Marcela Rebelo de Sousa]]
|<ref>{{Cytuj|autor=Critical Software -, Tangivel -|tytuł=Presidenciais 2016 - Resultados Globais|data dostępu=2016-02-13||url=|język=pt}}</ref>
|align=left|[[Jean-Serge Bokassa]]|| ||68,705||6.06
|14 lutego
|{{państwo|Republika Środkowoafrykańska}}
|[[Wybory prezydenckie w Republice Środkowoafrykańskiej w 2015 i 2016 roku]] (II tura)
|Zwycięstwo [[Faustin-Archange Touadéra]]
|<ref>{{Cytuj|autor=Margaux Benn|tytuł=Newly Elected Central African Republic Leader Faces Hard Realities|czasopismo=The New York Times|data=2016-02-21|data dostępu=2016-02-29|issn=0362-4331|url=|język=en}}</ref>
|align=left|[[Charles-Armel Doubane]]||align=left|Independent||41,095||3.63
|14 lutego
|{{państwo|Republika Środkowoafrykańska}}
|[[Wybory parlamentarne w Republice Środkowoafrykańskiej w 2016 roku]] (I tura)
|Wybrano 46 parlamentarzystów - przewaga kandydatów niezależnych
|<ref>{{Cytuj|tytuł=Centrafrique : 43 députés élus au premier tour des législatives, selon l'ANE|czasopismo=VOA|data dostępu=2016-02-29|opublikowany=VOA|url=|język=fr}}</ref><ref>{{Cytuj|tytuł=Législatives 1er Tour -Liste provisoire des candidats qualifiés pour le 2éme tour|opublikowany=ANERCA|url=|język=fr}}</ref>
|align=left|[[Jean-Michel Mandaba]]||align=left|[[Party for Democratic Governance]]||35,458||3.13
|18 lutego
|[[Wybory parlamentarne w Ugandzie w 2016 roku]]
|Reelekcja [[Yoweri Museveni|Yoweriego Museveniego]]
|<ref>{{Cytuj|tytuł=Uganda's Museveni wins election; opposition cries foul|czasopismo=Yahoo News|data dostępu=2016-02-29|opublikowany=Yahoo News|url=}}</ref>
|align=left|Sylvain Patassé-Ngakoutou||align=left|Central African New Momentum||31,261||2.76
|18 lutego
|[[Wybory prezydenckie w Ugandzie w 2016 roku]]
|Ponowne zwycięstwo [[Narodowy Ruch Oporu|Narodowego Ruchu Oporu]]
|<ref>{{Cytuj|tytuł=Unlike Past Elections, Uganda’s Streets Are Empty of Celebrations Following President Museveni’s Win · Global Voices|czasopismo=Global Voices|data dostępu=2016-02-29|opublikowany=Global Voices|url=}}</ref>
|align=left|[[Abdou Karim Meckassoua]]||align=left|Independent||31,052||2.74
|21 lutego
|[[Referendum w Boliwii w 2016 roku]]
|Dotyczyło możliwości kandydowania prezydenta i wiceprezydenta na trzecią kadencję. Większość głosów na ''Nie''.
|<ref>{{Cytuj|tytuł=Prezydent przyznaje się do porażki. Nie porządzi dłużej||data dostępu=2016-02-29||url=,2/boliwia-evo-morales-zaakceptowal-porazke,622230.html}}</ref>
|align=left|Gaston Mandata Nguérékata||align=left|[[Party of the Central African Renaissance]]||22,391||1.98
|21 lutego
|[[Wybory prezydenckie na Komorach w 2016 roku]] (I tura)
|Do drugiej tury przeszli (kolejno według liczby głosów):
* [[Mohamed Ali Soilihi]]
* [[Mouigni Baraka]]
* [[Azali Assoumani]]
|<ref>{{Cytuj|tytuł=Comores : Mohamed Ali Soilihi, le candidat du pouvoir, en tête de la présidentielle -||data dostępu=2016-02-29||url=|język=fr-FR}}</ref>
|align=left|[[Jean-Barkès Ngombe-Ketté]]||align=left|Independent||18,949||1.67
|21 lutego
|[[Wybory parlamentarne w Nigrze w 2016 roku]]
|Zwycięstwo [[Nigerska Partia na rzecz Demokracji i Socjalizmu|Nigerskiej Partii na rzecz Demokracji i Socjalizmu]]
|<ref>{{Cytuj|tytuł=Niger's ruling party wins parliamentary vote|czasopismo=Anadolu Agency|data dostępu=2016-02-29|opublikowany=Anadolu Agency|url=|język=en}}</ref>
|align=left|[[Timoléon Baikoua]]||align=left|Independent||17,195||1.52
|21 lutego
|[[Wybory prezydenckie w Nigrze w 2016 roku]] (I tura)
|Do drugiej tury przeszli (kolejno według liczby głosów):
* [[Mahamadou Issoufou]]
* [[Hama Amadou]]
|<ref>{{Cytuj|tytuł=Niger: Incumbent president seeks a second term|czasopismo=Anadolu Agency|data dostępu=2016-02-29|opublikowany=Anadolu Agency|url=|język=en}}</ref>
|align=left|[[Fidèle Gouandjika]]||align=left|Independent||15,356||1.36
|25 lutego
|[[Wybory parlamentarne na Jamajce w 2016 roku]]
|Zwycięstwo [[Jamajska Partia Pracy|Jamajskiej Partii Pracy]]
|<ref>{{Cytuj|tytuł=Electoral Commission of Jamaica||data dostępu=2016-02-29||url=|język=en-jm}}</ref>
|align=left|Théodore Kapou||align=left|Independent||13,295||1.17
|26 lutego
|[[Wybory parlamentarne w Iranie w 2016 roku]] (I tura)
|Zwycięstwo Koalicji reformatorów
|<ref>{{Cytuj|tytuł=تکلیف290 کرسی مجلس مشخص شد/کسب 83 کرسی توسط اطلاح طلبان/ ورود نماینده اقلیت با 100درصدآرا||data dostępu=2016-02-29||url=|język=fa-ir}}</ref><ref>{{Cytuj|tytuł=Iran: Zwycięstwo reformatorów||data dostępu=2016-02-29||url=,nId,776448|język=pl}}</ref>
|align=left|Marcel Dimassé||align=left|[[Socialist Party (Central African Republic)|Socialist Party]]||8,791||0.78
|26 lutego
|[[Wybory parlamentarne w Irlandii w 2016 roku]]
|Ponowne zwycięstwo [[Fine Gael]]
|<ref>{{Cytuj|tytuł=Rządząca w Irlandii "koalicja poniosła porażkę"||data dostępu=2016-02-29||url=,nId,2153434}}</ref>
|align=left|[[Guy Moskit]]||align=left|[[National Solidarity Movement]]||8,712||0.77
|28 lutego
|[[Referendum w Szwajcarii w 2016 roku (luty)]]
|Dotyczyło następujących zagadnień:
# '''Deportacja zagranicznych przestępców'''
#* Większość głosów na ''Nie''.
# '''Budowa tunelu w  [[Przełęcz Świętego Gotarda|przełęczy Świętego Gotarda]]'''
#* Większość głosów na ''Tak''.
# '''Zmniejszenie obciążeń podatkowych dla małżeństw'''
#* Większość głosów na ''Nie''.
# '''Wykluczenie niektórych produktów spośród towarów giełdowych.'''
#* Większość głosów na ''Nie''.
|<ref>{{Cytuj|autor=Sputnik|tytuł=Szwajcaria: referendum w sprawie wydalania zagranicznych przestępców||data dostępu=2016-02-29||url=|język=pl}}</ref><ref>{{Cytuj|tytuł=Counting the votes. Swiss vote results 28 February 2016.|czasopismo=Le News|data dostępu=2016-02-29|opublikowany=Le News|url=|język=en}}</ref>
|align=left|[[Jean Willybiro-Sako]]||align=left|Independent||8,535||0.75
|4 marca
|[[Wybory parlamentarne w Samoa w 2016 roku]]
|Ponowne zwycięstwo [[Partia Ochrony Praw Człowieka|Partii Ochrony Praw Człowieka]]
|<ref>{{Cytuj|tytuł=Samoa's ruling party set for another landslide election win|data dostępu=2016-03-06|opublikowany=Radio New Zealand|url='s-ruling-party-set-for-another-landslide-election-win|język=en}}</ref>
|align=left|Émile Gros Raymond Nakombo|| ||8,001||0.71
|5 marca
|[[Wybory parlamentarne na Słowacji w 2016 roku]]
|Ponowne zwycięstwo partii [[SMER – sociálna demokracia]]
|<ref>{{Cytuj||tytuł=Dočkali sme sa! V nedeľu večer zverejnili oficiálne výsledky volieb 2016|data dostępu=2016-03-06|opublikowany=Nový Čas|url=|język=sk}}</ref>
|align=left|Régina Konzi-Mongot||align=left|Independent||6,684||0.59
|6 marca
|[[Wybory prezydenckie w Beninie w 2016 roku]] (I tura)
|Do drugiej tury przeszli (kolejno według liczby głosów):
* [[Lionel Zinsou]]
* [[Patrice Talon]]
|<ref>{{Cytuj|tytuł=Benin PM Zinsou faces run-off in presidential election|data=2016-03-08|data dostępu=2016-03-09|opublikowany=[[Reuters]]|url=}}</ref>
|align=left|[[Xavier Sylvestre Yangongo]]||align=left|Independent||6,512||0.57
|9 marca
|[[Wybory prezydenckie w Kiribati w 2016 roku]]
|Zwycięstwo [[Taneti Mamau]]
|<ref>{{Cytuj|tytuł=Taneti Maamau declared new president of Kiribati - Fiji Times Online|data dostępu=2016-04-04||url=}}</ref>
|align=left|[[Cyriaque Gonda]]||align=left|[[National Party for a New Central Africa]]||6,440||0.57
| rowspan="7" |20 marca
|[[Wybory prezydenckie w Beninie w 2016 roku]] (II tura)
|Zwycięstwo [[Patrice Talon|Patrica Talona]]
|<ref>{{Cytuj|tytuł=Patrice Talon set to win Benin presidential election|data dostępu=2016-04-04||url=}}</ref>
|align=left|[[Laurent Gomina-Pampali]]||align=left|[[National Union for Democracy and Rally]]||5,834||0.51
|{{państwo|Republika Zielonego Przylądka}}
|[[Wybory parlamentarne w Republice Zielonego Przylądka w 2016 roku]]
|Zwycięstwo [[Ruch dla Demokracji (Republika Zielonego Przylądka)|Ruchu dla Demokracji]]
|<ref>{{Cytuj|tytuł=Voters in Benin, Cape Verde, Congo, Niger, Senegal and Zanzibar go to polls - BBC News|data dostępu=2016-04-04|opublikowany=BBC News|url=|język=en-GB}}</ref><ref>{{Cytuj|tytuł=Opposition returns to power in Cape Verde after 15 years|data dostępu=2016-04-04||url=}}</ref>
|align=left|Constant Gouyomgbia Kongba Zézé||align=left|Independent||5,560||0.49
|[[Wybory parlamentarne w Kazachstanie w 2016 roku]]
|Zwycięstwo [[Nur Otan]]
|<ref>{{Cytuj|tytuł=Сообщение об итогах внеочередных выборов депутатов Мажилиса Парламента Республики Казахстан шестого созыва|data dostępu=2016-04-04||url=}}</ref><ref>{{Cytuj|tytuł=Об установлении и опубликовании итогов внеочередных выборов депутатов Мажилиса Парламента Республики Казахстан шестого созыва, распределении депутатских мандатов по итогам голосования по партийным спискам|data dostępu=2016-04-04||url=}}</ref>
|align=left|Joseph Yakété||align=left|Forum for the Central African Rally||5,547||0.49
|[[Wybory parlamentarne w Laos w 2016 roku]]
|Jedyną legalną partią w Laos jest [[Laotańska Partia Ludowo-Rewolucyjna]]. Wymogiem kandydowania było poparcie lokalnych władz.
|<ref>{{Cytuj|autor=Inter-Parliamentary Union|tytuł=IPU PARLINE database: LAO PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC (Sapha Heng Xat), Electoral system|data dostępu=2016-04-04||url=}}</ref><ref>{{Cytuj|tytuł=Les résultats des élections législatives lao rendus publics|data=29-03-2016|opublikowany=|url=}}</ref><ref>{{Cytuj|tytuł=Laotians Apathetic About Voting in General Elections in The One-Party State|data dostępu=2016-04-04|opublikowany=Radio Free Asia|url=|język=en}}</ref>
|align=left|Mathias Barthélemy Morouba||align=left|Independent||5,156||0.46
|[[Wybory prezydenckie w Nigrze w 2016 roku]] (II tura)
|Reelekcja [[Mahamadou Issoufou]].
|<ref>{{Cytuj|tytuł=Republique du Niger Fraternite-Travail-Progres cour constitutionnelle|url=}}</ref>
|align=left|Théophile Sony Colé||align=left|Syndical Union of Central African Workers||3,784||0.33
|[[Wybory prezydenckie w Kongo w 2016 roku]]
|Reelekcja [[Denis Sassou-Nguesso|Denisa Sassou-Nguesso]]
|<ref>{{Cytuj|tytuł=Scrutin du 20 mars : Denis Sassou N’Guesso réélu avec plus 60% dès le 1er tour {{!}} : toute l'actualité du Bassin du Congo|data dostępu=2016-04-04||url=}}</ref>
|align=left|Maxime Kazagui||align=left|Alliance for a New Central Africa||2,886||0.25
|[[Referendum w Senegalu w 2016 roku]]
|Było to [[referendum konstytucyjne]] dotyczące propozycji 15 poprawek do konstytucji Senegalu. większość głosów na ''Tak''.
|<ref>{{Cytuj|autor=Beat Müller, beat (at-sign) sudd (dot) ch|tytuł=Senegal, 20. März 2016 : Verfassungsreform -- [in German]|data dostępu=2016-04-04||url=}}</ref>
|align=left|Jean-Baptiste Koba|| ||2,010||0.18
|3 marca - 24 marca
|{{państwo|Nowa Zelandia}}
|[[Referendum w Nowej Zelandii w 2015 i 2016 roku]] (II tura)
|Dotyczyło zmiany flagi państwowej. Większość zagłosowała przeciwko zmianom.
|<ref>{{Cytuj|tytuł=Referendums on the New Zealand Flag|data dostępu=2016-02-14|opublikowany=Electoral Commission|url=|język=en-nz}}</ref><ref>{{Cytuj|tytuł=New Zealand votes to keep flag in referendum - BBC News|data dostępu=2016-04-04|opublikowany=BBC News|url=|język=en-GB}}</ref>
|align=left|Stanislas Moussa Kembé|| ||1,706||0.15
|31 marca
|{{państwo|Republika Środkowoafrykańska}}
|[[Wybory parlamentarne w Republice Środkowoafrykańskiej w 2016 roku]] (II tura)
|Wybrano 85 parlamentarzystów - przewaga kandydatów niezależnych
|<ref>{{Cytuj|tytuł=Faible participation au second tour des législatives en Centrafrique|data dostępu=2016-04-04|opublikowany=VOA|url=}}</ref><ref>{{Cytuj|tytuł=Législatives 2éme Tour - Résultats Providoires Circonscription(s)|opublikowany=ANERCA|url=|język=fr}}</ref>
|align=left|[[Olivier Gabirault]]||align=left|Independent||1,347||0.12
|6 kwietnia
|[[Referendum w Holandii w 2016 roku]]
|Dotyczyło umowy o współpracy gospodarczej i politycznej [[Unia Europejska|Unii Europejskiej]] z [[Ukraina|Ukrainą]]. Większość głosów na ''Nie''.
|<ref>{{Cytuj|tytuł=Holandia: referendum ważne, 61 proc. przeciwko umowie z Ukrainą|data dostępu=2016-04-09|opublikowany=Onet Wiadomości|url=|język=pl-PL}}</ref>
|align=left colspan=2|Invalid/blank votes||89,370||–||24,094||–
|8 kwietnia
|[[Wybory prezydenckie w Dżibuti w 2016 roku]]
|Zwycięstwo [[Ismail Omar Guelleh|Ismaila Omara Guelleha]]
|<ref>{{Cytuj|tytuł=Djibouti President Ismail Omar Guelleh wins fourth term - BBC News|data dostępu=2016-04-22|opublikowany=BBC News|url=|język=en-GB}}</ref><ref>{{Cytuj|tytuł=Election sans suspense et à huis clos à Djibouti|czasopismo=Le|data dostępu=2016-04-22|issn=1950-6244|url=|język=fr}}</ref>
|align=left colspan=2|'''Total'''||'''1,132,886'''||'''100'''||'''1,153,300'''||'''100'''
|10 kwietnia
|[[Wybory prezydenckie w Czadzie w 2016 roku]]
|Zwycięstwo [[Idriss Déby|Idrissa Déby'ego]]
|<ref>{{Cytuj|autor=Agence France-Presse|tytuł=Chad goes to polls with president Idriss Déby expected to extend 26-year rule|czasopismo=The Guardian|data=2016-04-10|data dostępu=2016-04-22|issn=0261-3077|url=|język=en-GB}}</ref><ref>{{Cytuj|autor=The Associated Press|tytuł=President Idriss Déby of Chad, in Power Since 1990, Wins 5th Term|czasopismo=The New York Times|data=2016-04-21|data dostępu=2016-04-22|issn=0362-4331|url=}}</ref>
|align=left colspan=2|Registered voters/turnout||1,954,433||62.54||1,954,433||59.01
|10 kwietnia
|[[Wybory prezydenckie na Komorach w 2016 roku]]
|Zwycięstwo [[Azali Assoumani|Azalia Assoumaniego]]
|<ref>{{Cytuj|tytuł=Former Comorian coup leader wins presidential race|data dostępu=2016-04-22||url=}}</ref><ref>{{Cytuj|tytuł=Vote counting underway in Comoros|data dostępu=2016-04-22||url=}}</ref>
|align=left colspan=6|Source: [ Afrique News Info], [ ANERCA]
|10 kwietnia
|[[Wybory parlamentarne w Peru w 2016 roku]]
|Zwycięstwo [[Fuerza Popular]]

===National Assembly===
|<ref>{{Cytuj|tytuł=Fuerza Popular tendría 68 escaños en próximo Congreso|data dostępu=2016-04-22|opublikowany=El Comercio|url=}}</ref><ref name=":1">{{Cytuj|autor=Deutsche Welle (|tytuł=Peru votes in turbulent election {{!}} News {{!}} DW.COM {{!}} 10.04.2016|data dostępu=2016-04-22|opublikowany=DW.COM|url=}}</ref>
{| class=wikitable style=text-align:right
!colspan=3|First round
!colspan=3|Second round
|10 kwietnia
|[[Wybory prezydenckie w Peru w 2016 roku]] (I tura)
|Do drugiej tury przeszli (kolejno według liczby głosów):
* [[Keiko Fujimori]]
* [[Pedro Pablo Kuczynski]]
|<ref>{{Cytuj|tytuł=ONPE al 95,05%: Keiko 39,81%, PPK 21,00%, Verónika 18,82%|czasopismo=El Comercio|data dostępu=2016-04-22|opublikowany=El Comercio|url=}}</ref><ref name=":1" />
|align=left|[[National Union for Democracy and Progress (Central African Republic)|National Union for Democracy and Progress]]|| || ||5|| || ||8||13||New
|13 kwietnia
|{{państwo|Korea Południowa}}
|[[Wybory parlamentarne w Koreii Południowej w 2016 roku]]
|Zwycięstwo [[Deobureo Minjudang]]
|<ref>{{Cytuj|tytuł=Wybory w Korei Południowej|data dostępu=2016-04-22||url=,Wybory-w-Korei-Poludniowej}}</ref><ref>{{Cytuj|autor=Reuters|tytuł=South Korea elections: ruling conservative party loses majority|czasopismo=The Guardian|data=2016-04-13|data dostępu=2016-04-22|issn=0261-3077|url=|język=en-GB}}</ref>
|align=left|[[Union for Central African Renewal]]|| || ||3|| || ||10||13||New
|13 kwietnia
|align=left|[[Central African Democratic Rally]]|| || ||2|| || ||8||10||+9
|[[Wybory parlamentarne w Syrii w 2016 roku]]
|Zwycięstwo [[Partia Baas (Syria)|partii Baas]]
|align=left|[[Movement for the Liberation of the Central African People]]|| || ||3|| || ||6||9||+8
|align=left|[[National Convergence "Kwa Na Kwa"]]|| || ||3|| || ||4||7||–54
|align=left|[[African Party for a Radical Transformation and Integration of the State]]|| || ||1|| || ||3||4||New
|align=left|[[Party for Democratic Governance]]|| || ||2|| || ||1||3||New
|align=left|[[Rally for the Republic (Central African Republic)|Rally for the Republic]]|| || ||1|| || ||2||3||New
|align=left|[[Party of the Central African Renaissance]]|| || ||0|| || ||3||3||New
|align=left|[[Republican Convention for Social Progress]]|| || ||1|| || ||1||2||New
|align=left|[[Movement for Democracy and Development (Central African Republic)|Movement for Democracy and Development]]|| || ||1|| || ||1||2||0
|align=left|[[Socialist Party (Central African Republic)|Socialist Party]]|| || ||1|| || ||0||1||New
|align=left|[[National Union for Democracy and Rally]]|| || ||1|| || ||0||1||0
|align=left|[[National Solidarity Movement]]|| || ||0|| || ||1||1||New
|align=left|[[Action Party for Development]]|| || ||0|| || ||1||1||–2
|align=left|PDSK|| || ||0|| || ||1||1||New
|align=left|[[National Unity Party (Central African Republic)|National Unity Party]]|| || ||0|| || ||1||1||+1
|align=left|Independents|| || ||22|| || ||34||56||+30
|align=left|Invalid/blank votes|| ||–||–|| ||–||–||–||–
|align=left|'''Total'''|| || ||'''46'''|| || ||'''85'''||'''131'''||'''+31'''
|align=left|Registered voters/turnout|| || ||–||1,225,300|| ||–||–||–
|align=left colspan=9|Source: [ ANERCA], [ ANERCA]

Touadéra was sworn in on 30 March 2016. Speaking on the occasion, he vowed to pursue disarmament and "make CAR a united country, a country of peace, a country facing development".<ref>[ "Central African Republic's president vows peace, reforms at inauguration"], Reuters, 30 March 2016.</ref>

He appointed [[Simplice Sarandji]], his campaign director, as Prime Minister. Subsequently the composition of the new government was announced on 11 April 2016. Three presidential candidates who backed Touadéra in the second round were included in the government: [[Jean-Serge Bokassa]] as Minister of the Interior, [[Charles-Armel Doubane]] as Minister of Foreign Affairs, and [[Joseph Yakété]] as Minister of National Defense. Several new ministers had previously served in the government under Bozizé, and under Touadéra while he was Bozizé's Prime Minister; it was suggested that they were appointed because of their experience in working under Touadéra, and not because of any connections to Bozizé. No representatives of the Seleka rebel group or the "anti-balaka" militias were included in the government.<ref>Vincent Duhem, [ "Centrafrique : ce qu’il faut retenir du nouveau gouvernement dévoilé par Touadéra"], ''Jeune Afrique'', 13 April 2016 {{fr icon}}.</ref>

Wersja z 22:24, 23 kwi 2016

Wybory generalne w Republice Środkowoafrykańskiej w 2015 i 2016 roku odbyły się 30 grudnia 2015 (I tura wyborów prezydenckich), 14 lutego 2016 (II tura wyborów prezydenckich i I tura wyborów parlamentarnych) i 31 marca 2016 (II tura wyborów parlamentarnych). Wybrany został nowy prezydent Republiki Środkowoafrykańskiej i 131 członków Zgromadzenia Narodowego. As no presidential candidate received more than 50% of the vote, and following the annulling of the results of the National Assembly elections by the Transitional Constitutional Court, a second round of the presidential elections and a re-run of the parliamentary vote took place on 14 February 2016, with run-offs on 31 March 2016.[1][2]

The elections were delayed several times, the original elections having been scheduled for 18 October before being postponed, whilst the second round of the presidential elections was due to be held on 31 January 2016.[3] Acting President Catherine Samba-Panza was not allowed to stand as a candidate.[4]

Following the second round of the presidential elections, former Prime Minister Faustin-Archange Touadéra of the Union for Central African Renewal was declared the winner with 63% of the vote, defeating independent candidate Anicet-Georges Dologuélé, another former Prime Minister.[5]


Despite the 25 August 2012 signing of a peace agreement between the government and the Convention of Patriots for Justice and Peace (CPJP) that promised closure of the Bush War,[6] political violence continued in the eastern and central parts of the country. Then, on 10 December 2012, fighters from the Séléka rebel coalition seized the towns of N'Délé, Sam Ouandja and Ouadda. Following further battlefield successes through the month, the government called for support from former coloniser France and the United States. Though the offer was spurned, other central African states and South Africa sent in troops to secure the country and its capital, Bangui, from Séléka.

On 11 January 2013, a ceasefire agreement was signed in Libreville, Gabon, between the government, Séléka and the political opposition. The agreement led to a dropping of the demand for President François Bozizé's resignation, but required that he appoint a new prime minister from the opposition.[7] The National Assembly of the Central African Republic was also dissolved within a week, with a year-long coalition government formed in its place and a new election called for within 12 months. The interim government would implement judicial reforms, amalgamate the rebel troops with government soldiers to establish a new national military, and introduce other social and economic reforms.[8] The government was also required to free all political prisoners imprisoned during the conflict and that foreign troops must return to their countries of origin. Séléka was not required to give up the cities they had taken or were occupying in order to ensure that the government would not renege on the agreement.[7]

Following the ouster of Bozizé in March 2013, Michel Djotodia became president. In the ensuing months atrocities were committed by the Seleka and the newly-formed Christian anti-balaka groups. Djotodia eventually left and the Mayor of Bangui, Catherine Samba-Panza, was made interim president. However, instability and sectarian violence continued in the lead up to the election.


Kwa Na Kwa, the former ruling party loyal to Bozizé, announced on 10 August 2015 that Bozizé would return to the country and stand as a candidate in the October 2015 presidential election.[9] KNK Secretary-General Bertin Bea complained that the transitional authorities were trying to obstruct his bid, however. A few days later, Bea was arrested, purportedly for "inciting disorder" two months earlier.[10]

On 8 December 2015, the Constitutional Court announced the list of approved presidential candidacies. Bozizé's candidacy was among those rejected.[11][12] Officially, he was excluded because he was not registered on the voter list and because he had agreed not to run again as part of the peace agreement in January 2013, two months before he was ousted.[12] Gunfire was subsequently reported in parts of Bangui, as his supporters reacted angrily to the news.[11][12] The KNK said that Bozizé's exclusion was "the result of internal and external pressure",[13] with many of his supporters alleging that the French government was involved in the decision.[12] About 30 candidates were approved to run, including three former prime ministers (Anicet Georges Dologuélé, Martin Ziguélé, and Faustin Archange Touadéra) and three sons of former presidents (Désiré Kolingba, Sylvain Patassé, and Jean-Serge Bokassa).[14]


Prior to the election, a constitutional referendum was held on 13–14 December 2015. Results announced on 21 December showed that the referendum passed with 93% support. On 22 December, the official campaigning period began. Presenting himself as a candidate of peace and inclusion, Anicet Georges Dologuélé declared that he had "never held a weapon" and said that Bozizé would be able to play some unspecified role in national affairs. On the same day, the KNK announced its support for Dologuélé.[15]

On 24 December acting Prime Minister Mahamat Kamoun stated that the elections would be postponed to 30 December, to allow further preparations.[16]



Results for Bangui, released on 2 January 2016, showed Faustin-Archange Touadéra placing first (30,999 votes), Anicet Georges Dologuélé placing second (28,162 votes), Désiré Kolingba placing third (25,055 votes), Jean-Serge Bokassa placing fourth (10,672 votes), and Martin Ziguélé placing fifth (9,946 votes). Although results from the rest of the country were not given at the time, overall turnout was placed at 72.2%.[3] Further results released on 3 January, accounting for about 25% of all votes, showed Touadéra with about 23% of the vote (about 120,000 votes), far ahead of Dologuélé, in second place with about 68,500 votes.[17] By 6 January, results accounting for about 77% of votes showed Dologuélé in the lead with 259,211 votes, followed by Touadéra with 222,391 votes and all of the other candidates trailing far behind.[18]

Provisional results announced by Marie-Madeleine Nkouet, the President of the National Election Authority, on 7 January 2016 showed Dologuélé in first place with 23.78% of the vote and Touadéra in second place with 19.42% of the vote. A second round of voting between Dologuélé and Touadéra was expected.[19] The Transitional Constitutional Court approved the final results on 25 January, putting Dologuélé in first place with 23.74% of the vote and Touadéra second with 19.05%.[20]

The electoral commission announced on 20 February 2015 that Touadéra won the second round with 62.71% of the vote, defeating Dologuélé. Although Dologuélé alleged fraud, he nevertheless stated that "for the sake of peace" he accepted the official results, would not appeal, and "recognize[d] Faustin-Archange Touadéra as the leader of all Central Africans".[21] The Constitutional Court validated the results and formally declared Touadéra to be elected as President on 1 March.[22]

Candidate Party First round Second round
Votes % Votes %
Anicet-Georges Dologuélé Union for Central African Renewal 268,952 23.74 413,352 37.29
Faustin-Archange Touadéra Independent 215,800 19.05 695,059 62.71
Désiré Kolingba Central African Democratic Rally 136,398 12.04
Martin Ziguélé Movement for the Liberation of the Central African People 129,474 11.43
Jean-Serge Bokassa 68,705 6.06
Charles-Armel Doubane Independent 41,095 3.63
Jean-Michel Mandaba Party for Democratic Governance 35,458 3.13
Sylvain Patassé-Ngakoutou Central African New Momentum 31,261 2.76
Abdou Karim Meckassoua Independent 31,052 2.74
Gaston Mandata Nguérékata Party of the Central African Renaissance 22,391 1.98
Jean-Barkès Ngombe-Ketté Independent 18,949 1.67
Timoléon Baikoua Independent 17,195 1.52
Fidèle Gouandjika Independent 15,356 1.36
Théodore Kapou Independent 13,295 1.17
Marcel Dimassé Socialist Party 8,791 0.78
Guy Moskit National Solidarity Movement 8,712 0.77
Jean Willybiro-Sako Independent 8,535 0.75
Émile Gros Raymond Nakombo 8,001 0.71
Régina Konzi-Mongot Independent 6,684 0.59
Xavier Sylvestre Yangongo Independent 6,512 0.57
Cyriaque Gonda National Party for a New Central Africa 6,440 0.57
Laurent Gomina-Pampali National Union for Democracy and Rally 5,834 0.51
Constant Gouyomgbia Kongba Zézé Independent 5,560 0.49
Joseph Yakété Forum for the Central African Rally 5,547 0.49
Mathias Barthélemy Morouba Independent 5,156 0.46
Théophile Sony Colé Syndical Union of Central African Workers 3,784 0.33
Maxime Kazagui Alliance for a New Central Africa 2,886 0.25
Jean-Baptiste Koba 2,010 0.18
Stanislas Moussa Kembé 1,706 0.15
Olivier Gabirault Independent 1,347 0.12
Invalid/blank votes 89,370 24,094
Total 1,132,886 100 1,153,300 100
Registered voters/turnout 1,954,433 62.54 1,954,433 59.01
Source: Afrique News Info, ANERCA

National Assembly

Party First round Second round Total
Votes % Seats Votes % Seats
National Union for Democracy and Progress 5 8 13 New
Union for Central African Renewal 3 10 13 New
Central African Democratic Rally 2 8 10 +9
Movement for the Liberation of the Central African People 3 6 9 +8
National Convergence "Kwa Na Kwa" 3 4 7 –54
African Party for a Radical Transformation and Integration of the State 1 3 4 New
Party for Democratic Governance 2 1 3 New
Rally for the Republic 1 2 3 New
Party of the Central African Renaissance 0 3 3 New
Republican Convention for Social Progress 1 1 2 New
Movement for Democracy and Development 1 1 2 0
Socialist Party 1 0 1 New
National Union for Democracy and Rally 1 0 1 0
National Solidarity Movement 0 1 1 New
Action Party for Development 0 1 1 –2
PDSK 0 1 1 New
National Unity Party 0 1 1 +1
Independents 22 34 56 +30
Invalid/blank votes
Total 46 85 131 +31
Registered voters/turnout 1,225,300


Touadéra was sworn in on 30 March 2016. Speaking on the occasion, he vowed to pursue disarmament and "make CAR a united country, a country of peace, a country facing development".[23]

He appointed Simplice Sarandji, his campaign director, as Prime Minister. Subsequently the composition of the new government was announced on 11 April 2016. Three presidential candidates who backed Touadéra in the second round were included in the government: Jean-Serge Bokassa as Minister of the Interior, Charles-Armel Doubane as Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Joseph Yakété as Minister of National Defense. Several new ministers had previously served in the government under Bozizé, and under Touadéra while he was Bozizé's Prime Minister; it was suggested that they were appointed because of their experience in working under Touadéra, and not because of any connections to Bozizé. No representatives of the Seleka rebel group or the "anti-balaka" militias were included in the government.[24]

  1. Centrafrique : Le corps électoral convoqué le 14 février pour le 1er tour des législatives et le second tour de la présidentielle (in French), RJDH, 28 January 2016
  2. New Central African president takes on a country in ruins ENCA, 28 March 2016
  3. a b Crispin Dembassa-Kette, "Former Central African Republic PM leads in presidential vote", Reuters, 2 January 2016.
  4. "Can Catherine Samba-Panza save the Central African Republic?", The Guardian, 2 March 2014.
  5. CAR presidential election: Faustin Touadera declared winner BBC News, 20 February 2016
  6. "Le CPJP, dernier groupe rebelle actif en Centrafrique, devient un parti politique" (in French), Radio France Internationale, 26 August 2015 Szablon:Fr icon.
  7. a b Szablon:Cite news
  8. Szablon:Cite news
  9. "Exiled Central African leader Bozizé to stand at election", Reuters, 10 August 2015.
  10. "Head of ousted Central African leader's party arrested", Agence France-Presse, 15 August 2015.
  11. a b "Renewed unrest in C.Africa after presidential candidates announced", Agence France-Presse, 8 December 2015.
  12. a b c d "Présidentielle en RCA: les soutiens de Bozizé accusent la France" (in French), Radio France Internationale, 9 December 2015 Szablon:Fr icon.
  13. "Deposed former Central African Republic ruler Bozize barred from elections", Reuters, 8 December 2015.
  14. "Présidentielle: 28 candidats éligibles, le dossier de Bozizé rejeté",, 8 December 2015 Szablon:Fr icon.
  15. "Campaign takes off in C. Africa as 30 vie for president", Agence France-Presse, 22 December 2015.
  16. Szablon:Cite web
  17. "Ex-Bozize PM takes early lead in C.Africa presidential race", Agence France-Presse, 3 January 2016.
  18. Crispin Dembassa-Kette, "Central African Republic candidates now mostly support vote count: U.N.", Reuters, 6 January 2016.
  19. "No winner emerges in first round of Central African election", Reuters, 7 January 2016.
  20. "Centrafrique: Dologuelé et Touadera au second tour de la présidentielle", RJDH, 25 January 2016 Szablon:Fr icon.
  21. Crispin Dembassa-Kette, "Ex-PM Touadera wins Central African Republic presidential vote", Reuters, 20 February 2016.
  22. "Central African constitutional court confirms Touadera elected president", Reuters, 1 March 2016.
  23. "Central African Republic's president vows peace, reforms at inauguration", Reuters, 30 March 2016.
  24. Vincent Duhem, "Centrafrique : ce qu’il faut retenir du nouveau gouvernement dévoilé par Touadéra", Jeune Afrique, 13 April 2016 Szablon:Fr icon.