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Wikiprojekt:GLAM/Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie/Faras/English

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The Faras on Wikipedia project, run by Wikimedia Polska and the National Museum in Warsaw, aims to create and improve Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons content concerning the Faras archaeological discoveries, the Faras Cathedral, and the Faras Gallery - a permanent exhibition at the NMW. We aim to cover topics such as: the archaeological discovery in Faras, the cultural history of the region, Nubian Christian culture, and the history of the artifacts.

Open Digital Projects: NMW Collections and Wikipedia

Our aim is to write key articles on these subjects in several languages. Articles are illustrated by visual material contributed to Wikimedia Commons by the National Museum in Warsaw. We hope the project will result in an accessible knowledgebase about the Faras Gallery, the exhibits at the National Museum of Sudan and the historical contexts of these unique exhibits. The project is run by Gytha, the Wikipedian-in-Residence at the National Museum, Warsaw.

See the list of completed articles →

Go to the Polish-language wikiproject →

Everyone is welcome to participate and expand on this project! Anyone wishing to contribute in any way is welcome to sign up in the Participants section – this way we will be able to track new additions to the project, and get in touch with you!

Participants and how to contribute

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We need your help!

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Volunteers at National Museum in Warsaw Faras meetup

Help us check and expand articles on Wikipedia in various language versions that are related to our subject.

We've prepared an initial list of suggested articles and articles to be expanded, based on Polish and English-language Wikipedia. As content varies with each language version, we appreciate your comments (please leave comments in the articles table or the discussion page).

How to contribute

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  • Surf your language Wikipedia to check the quality and existence of key articles;
  • Suggest articles for creation or improvement in your language;
  • Get into writing the articles;
  • Expand on, or comment on, the bibliography;
  • Help illustrate the articles with images from the Faras, Faras Gallery of the National Museum in Warsaw and other relevant categories.


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Articles ready to be translated

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Main list

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PL/Author EN/Volunteer DE/Volunteer RU/Volunteer BE/Volunteer UK/Volunteer Other/Volunteer
Galeria Faras im. Profesora Kazimierza Michałowskiego w Muzeum Narodowym w Warszawie

(N Ivy)

Faras Gallery at the National Museum in Warsaw - to be expanded still

(Marta Malina Moraczewska)

Галерея Фарас Галерэя Фарас Галерея Фарас
Konserwacja i restauracja malowideł ściennych z Faras



(Conservation and Restoration of Wall Paintings from Faras)


Консервация и реставрация стенописи из Фараса Кансервацыя і рэстаўрацыя сценапісу з Фараса
Święta Anna (malowidło z Faras)

(N Ivy)

Saint Anne (wall painting)

(Marta Malina)

Святая Анна (фреска из Фараса) (Farary) Святая Ганна, фрэска з Фараса (Farary)
Chrześcijańskie malarstwo nubijskie


in progress: Nubian Christian painting Христианская нубийская живопись Хрысціянскі нубійскі жывапіс
Kazimierz Michałowski

(Stacy ps)

Kazimierz Michałowski

(Marta Malina)

Михаловский, Казимеж (Farary) Казімеж Міхалоўскі (Farary) Казімєж Міхаловський (Volodymyr D-k)

Additional topics

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PL/Author EN/Volunteer DE/Volunteer RU/Volunteer BE/Volunteer UK/Volunteer Other/Volunteer
Lista biskupów Faras

(Oukoun, Ainiur)

Bishops of Faras (see also Coptic Diocese of Faras) Список епископов Фараса (Lomogorov) Спіс епіскапаў Фараса
Rękopisy nubijskie


in progress: Nubian manuscripts Нубийские рукописи (Lomogorov) Нубійскія рукапісы
Święci apostołowie Piotr i Jan (malowidło z Faras)


beginning of working on:

Saint Paul and Saint Peter (fresco) (Luklsok)

Святые апостолы Пётр и Иоанн Богослов (фреска из Фараса) (Lomogorov) Святыя апосталы Пётр і Іаан Багаслоў, фрэска з Фараса
Biskup Marianos pod opieką Chrystusa i Matki Boskiej


Епископ Марианос под защитой Христа и Божией Матери (Lomogorov) Епіскап Мар’янас пад абаронай Хрыста і Божай Маці
Biskup Petros ze świętym Piotrem Apostołem


Bishop Petros with Saint Peter the Apostle (Halibutt) Епископ Петрос со святым апостолом Петром (Lomogorov) Епіскап Петрас са святым Апосталам Пятром
Stefan Jakobielski


Stefan Jakobielski (Marta Malina) Стефан Якобельский (Lomogorov) Стэфан Якабельскі Stefan Jakobielski (Torrosbak) - spanish
Józef Gazy


Józef Gazy (Halibutt) Газы, Юзеф (Lomogorov) Юзэф Газы


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The National Museum in Warsaw will release images of artworks and other illustrations (photographs of the excavation works, scientists, etc., where possible) on Wikimedia Commons. Currently available illustrations can be found here:


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This section is to exchange information about related sources. Please add any sources you have found that are not already on this list. It may be a good idea to include a short description of the material to let others know what kind of information can be found in a given publication.

  • Adams, W.Y. Architectural Evolution of the Nubian Church 500-1400 A.D., Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 1965 IV, ss. 87-139.
  • Nubia Corridor to Africa, New Yersey 1977.
  • Qasr Ibrim. The Late Mediaeval Period. Egypt Exploration Society Excavation Memoir 59, London 1996.
  • Meinarti I-V, Oxford 2000-2003.
  • Churches of Nobadia, London 2009.
  • Balicka-Witakowska, Descente de croix sur peinture murale de la cathédrale de Faras, Nubica I/II 1990, ss. 459-474
  • Dobrzeniecki, Tadeusz. Maiestas Crucis in the mural paintings of the Faras Cathedral (now in the National Museum in Warsaw) : some iconographical notes, Bulletin du Musée National de Varsovie 1974 14: 6-20
  • St. Anne from Faras in the National Museum in Warsaw, Bulletin du Musée National de Varsovie 1987 28: 49-74.
  • Dzierżykray-Rogalski T., The bishops of Faras : an anthropological-medical study, Faras VIII, Warsow 1985.
  • Galavaris G., Observations on the iconography of a Faras-Majestas and its relatives, Nubische Studien 1986: 237-244
  • The central plan in Nubian chuch architecture, in: K. Michałowski (ed.) Nubia. Récentes recherches. Actes du colloque nubiologique international au Musée National de Varsovie, 19–22 juin 1972, Varsovie 1975 , 49-64.
  • An introduction to the history of Nubian church Architecture, Nubia Christiana 1982 1: 43-133.
  • Remarks on the Cathedral at Qasr Ibrim, J. M. Plumley (ed.), Nubian Studies: Proceedings of the Symposium for Nubian Studies, Selwyn College, Cambridge, Cambridge 1982: 87–94.
  • Cathedral in Faras in the light of architectural re-anasysis, Nubische Studien 1986: 245-268
  • The Cathedral In Old Dongola and Its Antecedents, Nubia I. Dongola 2, Varsovie 1990.
  • Włodzimierz Godlewski: Pachoras : the cathedrals of Aetios, Paulos and Petros : the architecture. Warsaw: Warsaw University Pres, 2006.
  • Scenes de la Passion et de la Resurrection sur une peinture de Faras, Etudes et Travaux 1969 3: 207-229
  • Archangel and Saint Mercurios - new iconographical interpretation of the two murals from Faras Cathedral, Nubica I/II 1981 535-540
  • Idzikowska B., La decoration en pierre des portes dans les eglises et edifices profanes de Faras, Etudes et Travaux 1983 12: 195-237
  • Iwaszkiewicz B., Frise de l'abside de la première Cathedrale de Faras, Orientalia Christiana Periodica 1974 XL, II, 377-406
  • Some remarks on Faras inscriptions, Kunst und Geschichte Nubiens in christlicher Zeit 1970: 29-40
  • A history of the Bishopric of Pachoras on the basis of Coptic inscriptions, Faras III, Warsow 1972
  • Inscriptions, – Faras, Wall Paintings in the Collection of the National Museum in Warsaw, 277-309;
  • Inscriptions from Faras and the problems of the chronology of murals [w:] Etudes nubiennes, Colloque de Chantilly 2-4 Juillet 1975, (IFAO – Bibliothèque d'étude LXXVII), Le Caire, 141-151.
  • Nubian Christian Architecture, Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde 1981 108: 33-48.
  • Remarques sur la chronologie des peintures murales de Faras aux VIIIe et IXe siècles, Nubia Christiana 1982 I, Warszawa, 142-172.
  • Portraits of the Bishops of Faras, [w:] J.M. Plumley (red.), Nubian Studies, Proceedings of the Symposium for Nubian Studies, Selwyn College, Cambridge, 1978, Warminster 1982: 127-133.
  • Tentative d’identification de certaines peintures de Faras, Etudes et Travaux 2001 XIX, 59-79.
  • Die Chronologie der Wandmalereien in der Kathedrale von Faras, [w:] W. Seipel (red.), Faras. Die Kathedrale aus dem Wüstensand, Ausstellungskatalog des Kunsthistorischen Museums, Wien 2002, 51-56.
  • Nubian Scenes of Protection from Faras as an Aid to Dating, Etudes et Travaux 2007, XXI, 43-50.
  • Michałowski Kazimierz. Faras. Fouilles polonaises 1961. Warsaw, 1962
  • Polish excavations at Faras 1961, Kush X (1962), ss. 220-244
  • Polish excavations at Faras, Second Season 1961-1962, Kush XI (1963), ss. 223-256
  • Polish excavations at Faras, 1962-1963, Kush XII (1964), ss. 195-207
  • Polish excavations at Faras, Fourth Season 1963-1964, Kush XIII (1965), ss. 177-189
  • Faras. Fouilles polonaises 1962-1963, Warsaw, 1965. Faras - Centre artistique de la Nubie Chretienne, Leiden, 1966.
  • Faras, die Kathedrale aus dem Wüstensand, Zürich- Köln 1967. Faras, Wall Paintings in the Collection of the National Museum in the Warsaw, Warsaw 1974
  • Plumley, J. M. New evidence on Christian Nubia in the Light of Recent Excavations, Nubia Christiana 1982 1: 15-24
  • Żurawski Bogdan, Bishops's tombs in Faras, Nubische Studien 1986, ss. 413-418.

Wikipedians to contact for technical help

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These Wikipedians are willing to provide any help regarding formatting, templates or any other technical issues related to editing material on Wikipedia.


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  • April 8: initial meeting of volunteers at the National Museum in Warsaw.
  • April-June: writing the articles, meetings at the National Museum (info will be provided about future dates). Uploading related files from the Museum to Wikimedia Commons.
  • July 15: we would like to complete writing the Polish-language articles by this time.
  • July-September: completing English and other language articles
  • September: gathering all articles in all languages together on the projectpage
  • October: final project presentation at the National Museum in Warsaw.


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Please contact kultura at or write on the talk page.