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Linia 30: Linia 30:
W Holandii, jajka sadzone (''spiegelei'') zwykle serwuje się na chlebie (białym, lub pełnoziarnistym), często ze smażonym bekonem, na śniadanie, lub lunch.
W Holandii, jajka sadzone (''spiegelei'') zwykle serwuje się na chlebie (białym, lub pełnoziarnistym), często ze smażonym bekonem, na śniadanie, lub lunch.

''Uitsmijter'' jest to potrawa składająca się z dwóch, lub trzech jajek sadzonych żółtkiem do góry. Popularne są wersje zapiekane z serem i szynką (''uitsmijter ham en kaas''), oraz bekonem i szynką (''uitsmijter spek en kaas''). Często serwowane są z chlebem, wędliną i ogórkami konserwowymi. Another version is placed on buttered bread over a generous slice of cold meat, e.g., cooked beef or ham, and usually garnished with a dill pickle. It is a common lunch dish served in many [[café]]s, [[lunch room]]s and canteens in the Netherlands. ''{{lang|nl|Uitsmijter}}'' literally means "thrower-out", and it is also the [[Dutch language|Dutch]] word for a [[bouncer (doorman)|"bouncer"]]. The Dutch name of this fried egg dish probably refers more to the fact that it is quickly made ("thrown out of the kitchen" so to speak) than to the similarly named doorman.<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Uitsmijter |publisher=The Dutch Table |date=3 April 2011 |accessdate=2 September 2012}}</ref>
''Uitsmijter'' jest to potrawa składająca się z dwóch, lub trzech jajek sadzonych żółtkiem do góry. Popularne są wersje zapiekane z serem i szynką (''uitsmijter ham en kaas''), oraz bekonem i szynką (''uitsmijter spek en kaas''). Często serwowane są z chlebem, wędliną i ogórkami konserwowymi. Another version is placed on buttered bread over a generous slice of cold meat, e.g., cooked beef or ham, and usually garnished with a dill pickle. It is a common lunch dish served in many [[café]]s, [[lunch room]]s and canteens in the Netherlands. ''{{lang|nl|Uitsmijter}}'' literally means "thrower-out", and it is also the [[Dutch language|Dutch]] word for a [[bouncer (doorman)|"bouncer"]]. The Dutch name of this fried egg dish probably refers more to the fact that it is quickly made ("thrown out of the kitchen" so to speak) than to the similarly named doorman.<ref>{{cytuj stronę|url= |tytuł=Uitsmijter |opublikowany=The Dutch Table |data=3 April 2011 |data dostępu=2 September 2012}}</ref>

Linia 47: Linia 47:
In the [[Cuisine of the Philippines|Philippines]], fried eggs are often cooked like a sunny-side egg but the yolk is half cooked by sprinkling it with salt and oil while being fried, giving it a distinctive pink-colored membrane. It is served in the morning with garlic rice and a choice of breakfast meat such as beef [[Tapa (Filipino cuisine)|''tapa'']], [[Longaniza#Philippines|longaniza]], fried milkfish, dried fish, ''[[tocino]]'' (caramelised pork), [[Spam (food)|Spam]], or [[corned beef]], such as in [[tapsilog]] and its variants. In addition, fried eggs are eaten in a dish called [[Arroz a la cubana]], which is seasoned ground beef with raisins, cubed potatoes, tomato sauce, and olives, along with white rice and fried ripe plantains. Fried eggs are also a main ingredient in the noodle dish Pancit Batil Patong, where a fried egg is topped over stir-fried noodles.
In the [[Cuisine of the Philippines|Philippines]], fried eggs are often cooked like a sunny-side egg but the yolk is half cooked by sprinkling it with salt and oil while being fried, giving it a distinctive pink-colored membrane. It is served in the morning with garlic rice and a choice of breakfast meat such as beef [[Tapa (Filipino cuisine)|''tapa'']], [[Longaniza#Philippines|longaniza]], fried milkfish, dried fish, ''[[tocino]]'' (caramelised pork), [[Spam (food)|Spam]], or [[corned beef]], such as in [[tapsilog]] and its variants. In addition, fried eggs are eaten in a dish called [[Arroz a la cubana]], which is seasoned ground beef with raisins, cubed potatoes, tomato sauce, and olives, along with white rice and fried ripe plantains. Fried eggs are also a main ingredient in the noodle dish Pancit Batil Patong, where a fried egg is topped over stir-fried noodles.

In [[Thai cuisine]], when the words ''{{lang|th-Latn|khai dao}}'' (lit. "star egg") are placed after the name of a dish, it means that one wants that dish accompanied by a fried egg. The very popular ''{{lang|th-Latn|kaphrao mu rat khao khai dao}}'' for instance, translates to "basil fried pork on top of rice with a fried egg". Sometimes this is referred to as a "top egg".<ref>{{cite web|author=|url= |title=Kra Pao Moo (stir fry pork with basil) for lunch | |date=29 September 2011 |accessdate=2 September 2012}}</ref> Fried rice is also popularly accompanied with a fried egg, such as with ''[[American fried rice|khao phat Amerikan]]'' and ''[[Thai fried rice|khao phat]]'' (standard Thai style fried rice).<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Khao phat Amerikan |publisher=Austin Bush Photography |date=16 March 2011 |accessdate=2 September 2012}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|author=Kodi |url= |title=A "Farangs" trek through a Culture of Food and the Unknown- Thailand | |date= |accessdate=2 September 2012}}</ref> Another popular way of eating fried eggs in Thailand is to use it as the main ingredient of the [[Thai salad]] called ''yam khai dao''.<ref>{{cite web|author=|url= |title=Thai Fried Egg Salad – Yam Khai Dao (ยำไข่ดาว) |publisher=SheSimmers |date=1 December 2009 |accessdate=2 September 2012}}</ref>
In [[Thai cuisine]], when the words ''{{lang|th-Latn|khai dao}}'' (lit. "star egg") are placed after the name of a dish, it means that one wants that dish accompanied by a fried egg. The very popular ''{{lang|th-Latn|kaphrao mu rat khao khai dao}}'' for instance, translates to "basil fried pork on top of rice with a fried egg". Sometimes this is referred to as a "top egg".<ref>{{cytuj stronę|autor=|url= |tytuł=Kra Pao Moo (stir fry pork with basil) for lunch | |data=29 September 2011 |data dostępu=2 September 2012}}</ref> Fried rice is also popularly accompanied with a fried egg, such as with ''[[American fried rice|khao phat Amerikan]]'' and ''[[Thai fried rice|khao phat]]'' (standard Thai style fried rice).<ref>{{cytuj stronę|url= |tytuł=Khao phat Amerikan |opublikowany=Austin Bush Photography |data=16 March 2011 |data dostępu=2 September 2012}}</ref><ref>{{cytuj stronę|autor=Kodi |url= |tytuł=A "Farangs" trek through a Culture of Food and the Unknown- Thailand | |data= |data dostępu=2 September 2012}}</ref> Another popular way of eating fried eggs in Thailand is to use it as the main ingredient of the [[Thai salad]] called ''yam khai dao''.<ref>{{cytuj stronę|autor=|url= |tytuł=Thai Fried Egg Salad – Yam Khai Dao (ยำไข่ดาว) |opublikowany=SheSimmers |data=1 December 2009 |data dostępu=2 September 2012}}</ref>

A fried egg served over white rice, topped with a dab of [[Oyster sauce|oyster]] or [[hoisin sauce]], is also popular in east Asia. Fried eggs are also sometimes used in a [[Vietnamese cuisine|Vietnamese]] [[Banh Mi|breakfast roll]].
A fried egg served over white rice, topped with a dab of [[Oyster sauce|oyster]] or [[hoisin sauce]], is also popular in east Asia. Fried eggs are also sometimes used in a [[Vietnamese cuisine|Vietnamese]] [[Banh Mi|breakfast roll]].
Linia 67: Linia 67:
*''Over medium'' — Cooked on both sides; the yolk is cooked through but soft and near liquid at the center. The egg white is thoroughly cooked.
*''Over medium'' — Cooked on both sides; the yolk is cooked through but soft and near liquid at the center. The egg white is thoroughly cooked.
*''Over well'' — Cooked on both sides with the yolk fully cooked through and hard. Similar to a hard-boiled egg.
*''Over well'' — Cooked on both sides with the yolk fully cooked through and hard. Similar to a hard-boiled egg.
*''Over hard'', also known simply as ''fried'' — Cooked on both sides with the yolk broken, until set or hard.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Can someone please give an explanation of different egg preparations?|}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Kitchen Riffs: Fried Eggs|}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=|title=How to Fry an Egg|author=Heather Solos|work=Home Ec 101}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Eggs 101|}}</ref>
*''Over hard'', also known simply as ''fried'' — Cooked on both sides with the yolk broken, until set or hard.<ref>{{cytuj stronę|url=|tytuł=Can someone please give an explanation of different egg preparations?|}}</ref><ref>{{cytuj stronę|url=|tytuł=Kitchen Riffs: Fried Eggs|}}</ref><ref>{{cytuj stronę|url=|tytuł=How to Fry an Egg|autor=Heather Solos|praca=Home Ec 101}}</ref><ref>{{cytuj stronę|url=|tytuł=Eggs 101|}}</ref>

==Jajka w chlebie==
==Jajka w chlebie==

Wersja z 13:03, 12 wrz 2015

Jajka sadzone na żeliwnej patelni
Pieczona cukinia z jajkiem sadzonym, kozim serem i smażoną bazylią
Chorwackie jajka sadzone podawane z przyprawą Vegetą

Jajka sadzone to danie najczęściej przygotowywane ze świeżych kurzych jaj, smażone w całości z niewielką ilością dodatków. Jajka sadzone najczęściej serwowane są na śniadanie, aczkolwiek bywają jadane także o innych porach.

Jajka sadzone na świecie


W Egipcie smażone jajka to popularna potrawa na śniadanie. Są przygotowywane na oleju roślinnym, zwykłym maśle lub ghi same, bądź z dodatkami takimi jak pomidory, różne typy sera, wołowymi kiełbaskami (zarówno chudymi, jak i suszonymi typu sucuk), pasturmą, lub specjalnie przygotowanym mięsem mielonym z cebulą i przyprawami. Bywają też często podawane z gotowanym bobem, który nazywany jest fūl midammis. Rzadziej spotykaną odmianą są tak zwane "gwieździste jajka", danie zbliżone do jajek po szkocku, smażone w panierce w głębokim oleju.

Niemcy, Austria i Szwajcaria

Niemieckie Spiegeleier są podstawą wielu tradycyjnych potraw takich, jak Strammer Max (jajko smaży się z jednej strony i jest podawane na kanapce z szynką żółtkiem do góry), czy Hamburger Schnitzel / Holsteiner Schnitzel / Fernfahrerschnitzel z tą różnicą, że tu jajko podawane jak na sznyclu wiedeńskim.

Jajka sadzone są też często podawane wraz ze smażonymi na patelni ziemniakami i szpinakiem jako dopełnienie posiłku. Dodatkowo niektórzy niemieccy kucharze rozlewają żółtko na białku podczas smażenia.

Podane potrawy są w kuchni niemieckiej raczej typowym lunchem, bądź obiadem niż śniadaniem, mimo iż jajka na miękko, na twardo, czy jajecznica są tam popularnym śniadaniem


W Indiach jajka sadzone najczęściej podawane razem z roti, dosa, czy paratha, przygotowywane na oleju warzywnym, lub gorczycowym. W trakcie, lub po przyrządzeniu zwykle dodaje się do nich przyprawy takie, jak pieprz czarny, sproszkowaną paprykę chili i sól. Tak przyrządzone jajka można bardzo często kupić na ulicy w południowych Indiach.


W Japonii jajka przyrządzane w ten sposób noszą nazwę "medamayaki" (jap. 目玉焼き), co w wolnym tłumaczeniu oznacza "gotowane gałki oczne". Najczęściej doprawiane są solą, pieprzem i sosem sojowym.


Jajka w Korei są smażone na oleju z dodatkiem soli. Często podaje się je razem z Bibimbap, czy Kimchi bokkeumbap. Czasami w skład dania ryżowego wchodzi wyłącznie takie jajka w misce gorącego ryżu z łyżką gochujang, czy oleju sezamowego. Posolone jajka serwuje się także jako "Banchan" (małe dania podawane z bap).


Holenderskie uitsmijter spek en kaas: jajka sadzone z bekonem i serem

W Holandii, jajka sadzone (spiegelei) zwykle serwuje się na chlebie (białym, lub pełnoziarnistym), często ze smażonym bekonem, na śniadanie, lub lunch.

Uitsmijter jest to potrawa składająca się z dwóch, lub trzech jajek sadzonych żółtkiem do góry. Popularne są wersje zapiekane z serem i szynką (uitsmijter ham en kaas), oraz bekonem i szynką (uitsmijter spek en kaas). Często serwowane są z chlebem, wędliną i ogórkami konserwowymi. Another version is placed on buttered bread over a generous slice of cold meat, e.g., cooked beef or ham, and usually garnished with a dill pickle. It is a common lunch dish served in many cafés, lunch rooms and canteens in the Netherlands. (niderl. • Błąd! Nieznany kod języka: Uitsmijter. Sprawdź listę kodów.) literally means "thrower-out", and it is also the Dutch word for a "bouncer". The Dutch name of this fried egg dish probably refers more to the fact that it is quickly made ("thrown out of the kitchen" so to speak) than to the similarly named doorman.[1]


(ros. • Błąd! Nieznany kod języka: Yaichnitsa. Sprawdź listę kodów.)

The two most popular fried egg dishes commonly eaten in Russia are (ros. • Błąd! Nieznany kod języka: yaichnitsa. Sprawdź listę kodów.) (Russian: (ros. • Błąd! Nieznany kod języka: яичница. Sprawdź listę kodów.), a generic term for pure fried eggs, and omlet (Russian: (ros. • Błąd! Nieznany kod języka: омлет. Sprawdź listę kodów.)), an omelet distinguished from simple eggs by addition of milk and/or other liquids.

Yaichnitsa has two main varieties, a (ros. • Błąd! Nieznany kod języka: glazoon'ja. Sprawdź listę kodów.) (Russian: (ros. • Błąd! Nieznany kod języka: глазунья. Sprawdź listę kodów.)), usually referring to the sunny-side up but generally meaning any variant with the unbroken yolk, and a scramble called (ros. • Błąd! Nieznany kod języka: boltunya. Sprawdź listę kodów.) (Russian: (ros. • Błąd! Nieznany kod języka: болтунья. Sprawdź listę kodów.)), which may have various toppings such as fried bacon, ham, salt pork or other cold cuts, fried bread or onion, vegetables, etc. added. A common way of preparing both types is to have multiple eggs cracked into a saucepan or frying pan and cooked without flipping. The whites flow together and individual portions are divided up after the whole pan-full has cooked.

Azja południowo-wschodnia

Mie goreng topped with fried egg and vegetable
Yam khai dao: A spicy and sour Thai salad made with fried eggs
Fried Spam with rice and eggs is a common meal in the Philippines

Nasi goreng, one of the most popular dishes in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei is often served with a fried egg, either setengah matang which is half cooked with still runny yolk or matang which is well done. In Indonesian, sunny side fried eggs is called telur mata sapi whichs translated as "bull's eye egg". Fried eggs is a popular topping for dishes such as mie goreng, either freshly prepared noodle or cooked from instant noodle Indomie Mi goreng.

In the Philippines, fried eggs are often cooked like a sunny-side egg but the yolk is half cooked by sprinkling it with salt and oil while being fried, giving it a distinctive pink-colored membrane. It is served in the morning with garlic rice and a choice of breakfast meat such as beef tapa, longaniza, fried milkfish, dried fish, tocino (caramelised pork), Spam, or corned beef, such as in tapsilog and its variants. In addition, fried eggs are eaten in a dish called Arroz a la cubana, which is seasoned ground beef with raisins, cubed potatoes, tomato sauce, and olives, along with white rice and fried ripe plantains. Fried eggs are also a main ingredient in the noodle dish Pancit Batil Patong, where a fried egg is topped over stir-fried noodles.

In Thai cuisine, when the words (taj. • Błąd! Nieznany kod języka: khai dao. Sprawdź listę kodów.) (lit. "star egg") are placed after the name of a dish, it means that one wants that dish accompanied by a fried egg. The very popular (taj. • Błąd! Nieznany kod języka: kaphrao mu rat khao khai dao. Sprawdź listę kodów.) for instance, translates to "basil fried pork on top of rice with a fried egg". Sometimes this is referred to as a "top egg".[2] Fried rice is also popularly accompanied with a fried egg, such as with khao phat Amerikan and khao phat (standard Thai style fried rice).[3][4] Another popular way of eating fried eggs in Thailand is to use it as the main ingredient of the Thai salad called yam khai dao.[5]

A fried egg served over white rice, topped with a dab of oyster or hoisin sauce, is also popular in east Asia. Fried eggs are also sometimes used in a Vietnamese breakfast roll.

Hiszpania, Włochy, Portugalia i Ameryka Łacińska

Spanish painter Diego Velázquez painted a portrait of an elderly lady frying eggs in 1618.[6] In Spain, a fried egg served with boiled rice covered in tomato sauce is called arroz a la cubana Also served in Parts of Italy (so-called occhio di bue - Ox's eye) and Portugal. 'as well as the Philippines"

In Brazil, a runny egg placed over a steak with a side dish of rice and black beans is called a (port. braz. • Błąd! Nieznany kod języka: bife a cavalo. Sprawdź listę kodów.), literally "horse-riding steak". A similar dish, with the name (hiszp. • Błąd! Nieznany kod języka: bife a caballo. Sprawdź listę kodów.) in Spanish, is also common in Argentina, Uruguay and Ecuador (called "churrasco"); fried potatoes and salad replace the beans and rice. In northern Mexico, (hiszp. • Błąd! Nieznany kod języka: Huevos Montados. Sprawdź listę kodów.) (riding eggs) are served with refried beans and fried potatoes (or french fries). A common method of serving eggs in Mexico is (hiszp. • Błąd! Nieznany kod języka: huevos a la Mexicana. Sprawdź listę kodów.), which blends fried eggs with diced tomato, onion and green chili pepper; the amount of pepper added is often to order. There are several other egg dishes in Mexico which combine different ingredients: (hiszp. • Błąd! Nieznany kod języka: motuleños. Sprawdź listę kodów.) (in Yucatán), (hiszp. • Błąd! Nieznany kod języka: aporreados. Sprawdź listę kodów.) (mixed with refried beans), and (hiszp. • Błąd! Nieznany kod języka: huevos rancheros. Sprawdź listę kodów.) (sunny-side up eggs served over a corn tortilla, covered with spicy salsa). Also, in some parts of Mexico, fried eggs are served with a fresh tomato, onions, and cilantro salsa. Red chili is optional, as is a blended sauce. In Peru and Chile, a fried egg is included in (hiszp. • Błąd! Nieznany kod języka: lomo a lo pobre. Sprawdź listę kodów.), (hiszp. • Błąd! Nieznany kod języka: Chorrillana. Sprawdź listę kodów.), (hiszp. • Błąd! Nieznany kod języka: Paila de Huevo. Sprawdź listę kodów.), and several other dishes. In Ecuador, a sunny-side up egg is served over pan-seared cheesy mashed potatoes and sausage, called "Llagingachos."

Wielka Brytania i Irlandia

This traditional full English breakfast includes bacon, fried egg, black pudding, grilled tomatoes, fried mushrooms, hash browns (not traditional), baked beans and sausages.

Fried eggs can be served on toast, or in a sandwich, with bacon, sausages, and a variety of condiments. It is also an essential part of the full breakfast commonly eaten in Britain and Ireland. Fried eggs are often served with ham or gammon steak as a popular pub grub meal. They are usually cooked without turning over. The egg is cooked on a high heat and hot fat is splashed onto the top of the egg. This results in a custard-like yolk with a cooked surface. May also be referred to as runny or hard.

USA i Kanada

North Americans use many different terms to describe fried eggs, including:

  • Sunny side up — Cooked on one side only until the egg white is set but the yolk remains liquid. This is often known simply as eggs up.[potrzebny przypis] Gently splashing the hot cooking oil or fat on the sunny side uncooked white, i.e., basting, may be done to thoroughly cook the white. Covering the frying pan with a lid during cooking (optionally adding a cover and half-teaspoon of water just before finishing) allows for a less "runny" egg, and is an alternative method to flipping for cooking an egg over easy (this is occasionally called "sunny side down" or "basted").
  • Over easy or over light — Cooked on both sides; the yolk is runny and the egg white is fully cooked. "Over easy" fried eggs are also commonly referred to as "dippy eggs" or "dip eggs" by Marylanders, by Pennsylvania Dutch persons living in central Pennsylvania, and by those living around them, mainly due to the practice of dipping toast into the yolk while eating.
  • Over medium — Cooked on both sides; the yolk is cooked through but soft and near liquid at the center. The egg white is thoroughly cooked.
  • Over well — Cooked on both sides with the yolk fully cooked through and hard. Similar to a hard-boiled egg.
  • Over hard, also known simply as fried — Cooked on both sides with the yolk broken, until set or hard.[7][8][9][10]

Jajka w chlebie

Plik:Making eggs in basket.jpg
Eggs in the basket
 Osobny artykuł: Egg in the basket.

This American dish is usually made by cutting a circle or other shape out of a slice of bread, often using a drinking glass or biscuit cutter. The bread is fried until brown on one side and then flipped and an egg is broken into the center and seasoned, usually with salt and pepper, and sometimes herbs. The pan is then covered and the egg is cooked until the white is just set. The cutout center of the bread is often fried as well and served alongside or on top of the finished egg.

Zobacz też

  1. Uitsmijter. The Dutch Table, 3 April 2011. [dostęp 2 September 2012].
  2. Kra Pao Moo (stir fry pork with basil) for lunch., 29 September 2011. [dostęp 2 September 2012].
  3. Khao phat Amerikan. Austin Bush Photography, 16 March 2011. [dostęp 2 September 2012].
  4. Kodi: A "Farangs" trek through a Culture of Food and the Unknown- Thailand. [dostęp 2 September 2012].
  5. Thai Fried Egg Salad – Yam Khai Dao (ยำไข่ดาว). SheSimmers, 1 December 2009. [dostęp 2 September 2012].
  6. Spanish painter Velázquez painted a portrait of an elderly lady frying eggs in 1618
  7. Can someone please give an explanation of different egg preparations?. [w:] [on-line].
  8. Kitchen Riffs: Fried Eggs. [w:] [on-line].
  9. Heather Solos: How to Fry an Egg. [w:] Home Ec 101 [on-line].
  10. Eggs 101. [w:] [on-line].

Kategoria:Potrawy z jaj