Kategoria:Angielskie eposy
Strony w kategorii „Angielskie eposy”
Poniżej wyświetlono 128 spośród wszystkich 128 stron tej kategorii.
- A General Description of the West-Indian Islands
- A Poem on the Battle of Waterloo (Whitehead)
- A Relation of the Second Voyage to Guiana. Performed and Written in the Year 1596
- A Vision of Judgment
- A Voyage to New South Wales; A Poem: Or Extracts from the Diary of an Officer in the East
- Alaric at Rome
- Armageddon. A Poem in Twelve Books
- Aurora Leigh
- Thalaba the Destroyer
- The Athenaid: a Poem
- The Barons' Wars
- The Battle of Hastings (poemat)
- The Battle of Maida, an Epic Poem
- The Battle of Marathon (Elizabeth Barrett Browning)
- The Battle Of The Lake Regillus
- The Battle of Trafalgar, a Heroic Poem
- The Bothie of Tober-na-Vuolich
- The Bruciad: an Epic Poem
- The City of Dream
- The Civil Wars (poemat)
- The Complaint of Rosamond
- The Complaint: or, Night-Thoughts on Life, Death, & Immortality
- The Curse of Kehama
- The Daffodil Fields
- The Epic of Hades
- The Epic of London; an Epic Poem in Ten Cantos and Twenty Rhapsodies
- The Excursion (Wordsworth)
- The Fall of Saul, a Sacred Epic Poem
- The Fall of the Princes
- The Farmer's Boy: A Rural Poem
- The Forest Sanctuary
- The Grave of the Last Saxon; or, The Legend of the Curfew, a Poem (poemat Williama Lisle’a Bowlesa)
- The Helleniad
- The Land of Leix
- The Last Bard of Limerick
- The Light of Asia
- The Locusts, or Apollyonists
- The Maiden of Moscow
- The Man in the Iron Mask (George Gordon McCrae)
- The Millenium: an Epic Poem
- The Mosiad, or Israel Delivered
- The Pauliad
- The Poor Man’s Sabbath
- The Progress of Liberty
- The Revolt of Islam
- The Royal Minstrel; or, The Witcheries of Endor, an Epic Poem
- The Siege of Acre. A Poem
- The Siege of Candia. An Epic Poem
- The Spirit of Discovery; or, the Conquest of Ocean. A Poem, in Five Books (poemat Williama Lisle’a Bowlesa)
- The Task: A Poem, in Six Books
- The Victoriad, or, The New World, an Epic Poem
- The Vision of Judgment
- The Voyage of St. Brendan (poemat Denisa Florence’a McCarthy’ego)
- The Wanderer of Scandinavia; or, Sweden Delivered
- Tristram and Iseult (Arnold)
- Troia Britannica, or Great Britain’s Troy